Drying and Firing of Ceramic Tiles

Editor: S.A.L.A. srl - via Fossa Buracchione 84, 41100 Baggiovara, Modena
Tel. 059 512108
Fax. 059 512175
email: [email protected]
Publication date: December 2005
Costs: 60 euro + shipping costs
NOTE: The manual is only available in digital version in PDF file. To purchase it, please contat the editorial staff at [email protected]
The manual is an ideal tool for study or consultation by everyone working in the ceramic industry
It is the fourth volume in a series of technical handbooks produced by ACIMAC with the aim of promoting knowledge and expertise in the ceramic sector, with particular emphasis on technology and the production process.
The aim of this book is to provide systematic, in-depth coverage of all the main technologies currently used at an industrial level for drying and firing ceramic tiles.
It offers detailed technical and scientific descriptions of the various applications, together with a detailed examination of the most frequent problems that arise during production.
The handbook is produced in a bilingual version, Italian and English.