Glazing and Decoration of Ceramic Tiles

Editor: S.A.L.A. srl - via Fossa Buracchione 84, 41100 Baggiovara, Modena
Tel. +39 059 512108
Fax. +39 059 512175
e-mail: [email protected]
Publication date: february 2000
Costs: 20 euros + shipping costs
This book is produced in a two-language Italian and English edition and was written with the aim of providing an exhaustive technical study concerning a phase in the production of ceramic tiles - glazing and decorating - that is of considerable importance in the whole production cycle.
The work will be of particular interest to technicians in the ceramic tile industry - from production managers to line operators - as it will be for operators in related sectors, such as suppliers of glazes, colours, frits and pigments as well as manufacturers of machines, equipment and accessories for glazing and decorating.
Moreover, given that this volume sets out to offer training and teaching, it is definitely a useful instrument for variously involved researchers, teachers, designers, technologists, scholars and consultants, not to mention the young people who are currently entering the world of work.
The volume offers a systematic and in-depth analysis of all the main technologies currently used at industrial level for glazing and decorating ceramic tiles. It gives detailed technical and scientific descriptions of the various applications, together with a detailed examination of the problems that regularly crop up in production, together with a useful section dedicated to the most commonly occurring defects in each specific technique.
In this sense, it sets out to be a reference book for use on a daily basis by operators.