Raw material preparation and forming of ceramic tiles

Editor: S.A.L.A. srl - via Fossa Buracchione 84, 41100 Baggiovara, Modena
Tel. +39 059 512108
Fax. +39 059 512175
e-mail: [email protected]
Publication date: September 2004
Costs: 55 euro + shipping costs
Printed in colour and produced in a dual-language version (Italian and English) to assure the maximum international circulation, the manual will focus on specific individual stages of the tile production process. It will provide exhaustive, detailed coverage of the topics, which it will address from both a practical and application standpoint. It will be extensively illustrated with pictures and diagrams.
Invaluable for study and consultation, the manual provides content that is expected to remain up-to-date for several years. It is designed in particular for tile producing companies, suppliers of raw materials, and manufacturers of plant and accessories for the preparation and shaping of ceramic tiles.