Rheology applied to ceramics

Editor: S.A.L.A. srl - via Fossa Buracchione 84, 41100 Baggiovara, Modena
Tel. +39 059 512108
Fax. +39 059 512175
Email: [email protected]
Publication date: September 2006
Costs: 60 euro + shipping costs
The manual, produced by the Italian Ceramic Society (I.Cer.S) and published by S.A.L.A., follows the previous I.Cer.S manual entitled "Colour, Pigments and Colouring in the Ceramic Industry", and is a useful study aid for people working in the ceramic industry.
The aim of the handbook is to help readers understand the processes that take place in the factory, what they have to do to establish the best operating conditions, rationalise processed and stabilise the technological parameters including suggestions for possible solutions.
The manual is published in a bilingual version (Italian and English) for maximum international distribution and covering the various subject areas in great depth and including a wealth of illustrations.