Technical handbooks
End of line and complementary activities
A detailed overview of all the stagies of ceramic tile production process, from the kiln exit through to palletisation; complementary activities of finishing, polishing cutting and accessory machining operations; the production technologies of special pieces, trims, third fire decoration; the control of the environment impact of the process.
Rheology applied to ceramics
The book reconciles theory with practice and scientific considerations with operational requirements
Drying and Firing of Ceramic Tiles
An ideal and useful tool for industry technicians. It will provide solutions to production problems and information on processes
Raw material preparation and forming of ceramic tiles
After the books “Glazing and Decoration of Ceramic Tiles” and “Colour, Pigments and Ceramic Colouring”, S.A.L.A. presents a technical manual entitled “Preparation of Raw Materials and Forming of Ceramic Tiles”.
Colour, pigments and colouring in ceramics
300 pages of technical and scientific analyses, survey and solutions of production problems, tables and graphs.
Glazing and Decoration of Ceramic Tiles
360 pages of technical and scientific analyses, survey and solutions of production problems, tables and graphs, description of the latest technological innovations in the field.